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1.選定指導教授:填妥「指導教授同意書」,交回 R110 系辦公室,指導教授與研究生之關係即成立。另第一指導教授限該組教師。在學期間每學期都必須修專題研究(選指導教授的課),故請於選課前確定指導教授,完成相關程序。每位教師招收新生之名額有限制,建議確定有入學資格時,即與教師聯絡,以免向隅。CA1 指導教授同意書 – 請至本所網站下載。如已確定不就讀,請務必至本校研教組辦理放棄,以免損害其他同學權益。
2.系所重要公告將張貼於本所網頁或電機學群線上辦公室。請隨時注意。【電機所網頁: https://graduate.ee.ntu.edu.tw 電機學群線上辦公室: https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/eeoffice/ 】
3.Email 通知:使用學校提供之帳號,即 學號@ntu.edu.tw ,入學後重要訊息將以 email 通知,請記得收信。
5.其他族繁不及備載,如有問題請至電機二館 R110 系辦公室詢問。
The Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University is well recognized for its outstanding research achievements and fostering high quality engineers/researchers. The Graduate Institute of NTUEE is composed of three divisions: Automatic Control division, Power System/Power Electronics division, and Computer Science division .The institute consists of 32 outstanding faculty, among which there are 8 IEEE follows, 1 ACM fellow, and numerous recipients of national research awards. The Institute is devoted into development of frontier technologies/science. The research disciplines cover the following topics: robotics, nanotechnologies, GPS navigation, computer network control and management, linear/nonlinear system analysis and control, intelligent control, adaptive control, real-time control, power electronics, power IC, renewable energy, power converter, smart grid, power system analysis, power system stability and control, computer relaying, artificial intelligence, computation theory, cloud-computing, dependable distributed computing, quantum computing, SOC design verification, internet technologies, wireless network and mobile computing, multi-media technologies, operating systems, music signal processing, computer processing of speech signal, verification automation, software testing, cyber-security, etc. The institute welcomes potential students to apply the Master degree or Ph. D. degree program. All faculty of Graduate Institute of NTUEE can speak Chinese as well as English. All courses can be taught either in Chinese or English depending on the needs of students.
The Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University is well recognized for its outstanding research achievements and fostering high quality engineers/researchers. The Graduate Institute of NTUEE is composed of three divisions: Automatic Control division, Power System/Power Electronics division, and Computer Science division .The institute consists of 32 outstanding faculty, among which there are 8 IEEE follows, 1 ACM fellow, and numerous recipients of national research awards. The Institute is devoted into development of frontier technologies/science. The research disciplines cover the following topics: robotics, nanotechnologies, GPS navigation, computer network control and management, linear/nonlinear system analysis and control, intelligent control, adaptive control, real-time control, power electronics, power IC, renewable energy, power converter, smart grid, power system analysis, power system stability and control, computer relaying, artificial intelligence, computation theory, cloud-computing, dependable distributed computing, quantum computing, SOC design verification, internet technologies, wireless network and mobile computing, multi-media technologies, operating systems, music signal processing, computer processing of speech signal, verification automation, software testing, cyber-security, etc. The institute welcomes potential students to apply the Master degree or Ph. D. degree program. All faculty of Graduate Institute of NTUEE can speak Chinese as well as English. All courses can be taught either in Chinese or English depending on the needs of students.
Graduation Requirement
- 一般生
- 僑生
- 國際學生
1.選定指導教授:填妥「指導教授同意書」,交回 R110 系辦公室,指導教授與研究生之關係即成立。另第一指導教授限該組教師。在學期間每學期都必須修專題研究(選指導教授的課),故請於選課前確定指導教授,完成相關程序。每位教師招收新生之名額有限制,建議確定有入學資格時,即與教師聯絡,以免向隅。CA1 指導教授同意書 – 請至本所網站下載。如已確定不就讀,請務必至本校研教組辦理放棄,以免損害其他同學權益。
2.系所重要公告將張貼於本所網頁或電機學群線上辦公室。請隨時注意。【電機所網頁: https://graduate.ee.ntu.edu.tw 電機學群線上辦公室: https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/eeoffice/ 】
3.Email 通知:使用學校提供之帳號,即 學號@ntu.edu.tw ,入學後重要訊息將以 email 通知,請記得收信。
5.其他族繁不及備載,如有問題請至電機二館 R110 系辦公室詢問。
The Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University is well recognized for its outstanding research achievements and fostering high quality engineers/researchers. The Graduate Institute of NTUEE is composed of three divisions: Automatic Control division, Power System/Power Electronics division, and Computer Science division .The institute consists of 32 outstanding faculty, among which there are 8 IEEE follows, 1 ACM fellow, and numerous recipients of national research awards. The Institute is devoted into development of frontier technologies/science. The research disciplines cover the following topics: robotics, nanotechnologies, GPS navigation, computer network control and management, linear/nonlinear system analysis and control, intelligent control, adaptive control, real-time control, power electronics, power IC, renewable energy, power converter, smart grid, power system analysis, power system stability and control, computer relaying, artificial intelligence, computation theory, cloud-computing, dependable distributed computing, quantum computing, SOC design verification, internet technologies, wireless network and mobile computing, multi-media technologies, operating systems, music signal processing, computer processing of speech signal, verification automation, software testing, cyber-security, etc. The institute welcomes potential students to apply the Master degree or Ph. D. degree program. All faculty of Graduate Institute of NTUEE can speak Chinese as well as English. All courses can be taught either in Chinese or English depending on the needs of students.
The Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University is well recognized for its outstanding research achievements and fostering high quality engineers/researchers. The Graduate Institute of NTUEE is composed of three divisions: Automatic Control division, Power System/Power Electronics division, and Computer Science division .The institute consists of 32 outstanding faculty, among which there are 8 IEEE follows, 1 ACM fellow, and numerous recipients of national research awards. The Institute is devoted into development of frontier technologies/science. The research disciplines cover the following topics: robotics, nanotechnologies, GPS navigation, computer network control and management, linear/nonlinear system analysis and control, intelligent control, adaptive control, real-time control, power electronics, power IC, renewable energy, power converter, smart grid, power system analysis, power system stability and control, computer relaying, artificial intelligence, computation theory, cloud-computing, dependable distributed computing, quantum computing, SOC design verification, internet technologies, wireless network and mobile computing, multi-media technologies, operating systems, music signal processing, computer processing of speech signal, verification automation, software testing, cyber-security, etc. The institute welcomes potential students to apply the Master degree or Ph. D. degree program. All faculty of Graduate Institute of NTUEE can speak Chinese as well as English. All courses can be taught either in Chinese or English depending on the needs of students.